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When divorcing couples in Florida disagree about child custody during divorce, the court will determine their time-sharing with the children. Since 2008, Florida legally utilizes the term “time-sharing” to refer to child custody resulting from a divorce where a court allocates time to each parent. This fact only represents one of the numerous laws in Florida surrounding child custody in a divorce. Therefore, let’s look further into the regulations to show how a court determines this custody or time-sharing during a divorce.

Considering the Child’s Best Interests

On the issue of child custody and divorce, Florida family courts base their decisions on what is in the child’s best interests. Although they evaluate each situation individually, these courts realize that most of the time the child’s best interests require relatively equal amounts of visitation with both parents after the divorce. Initially, both parents have equal rights to child custody.

A Florida Court Will Determine Custody Using These Factors 

Child custody and divorce is a serious issue. The judges in Florida will pay close attention to any factors that can help them determine what is in the child’s best interests in the context of time-sharing.

Child’s Safety and Health 

Florida family law court will not apply the policy of shared parental responsibility if it believes that it will harm the child. If the court finds evidence of sexual or domestic violence, child abuse, neglect, or abandonment, parents could lose the rights to child custody after a divorce.

In some cases, the judge may order supervised parental visitation. The physical and mental health of a parent or concerns about parental substance abuse may also become a factor while determining the child’s safety and health for custody purposes.

divorce child custodyDevelopmental and Emotional Needs

In a divorce child custody case, the Florida family court will consider the degree to which each parent has shown the inclination and ability to meet the development needs of the child and be involved intimately in their life. This commitment could include knowing the child’s doctor, teachers, and friends, as well as their routine activities and favorite pastimes. They must also show involvement in the child’s studies, sports, and other activities. The court will prefer custody arrangements that minimize disruption in the child’s life and provide stability.  

Co-Parenting Skills and Communication

Florida courts place a strong focus on each parent’s ability to support a positive and healthy relationship of the child with the other parent. They will evaluate how able and willing each parent is to honor the time-sharing schedules and make reasonable accommodations without seeking the court’s intervention. The court will assess the communication level of each parent with the other parent regarding the issues and activities in the child’s life. The courts will see whether a parent is willing to adopt a united front on pressing issues that impact the child’s life and future. 

Moral Fitness

Courts will want to determine the level of moral fitness each parent demonstrates. Issues that could adversely impact the child’s ethical and moral development include a parent’s conduct of verbal abuse, substance abuse, relationships with multiple partners, or illegal behavior. 

Schedule a Consultation With a Trusted Divorce Lawyer

Are you facing divorce proceedings and fighting for your adequate time-sharing in court against your prior spouse? You need to hire an experienced and professional family law attorney to help you get the time-sharing you deserve. The Law Offices of Patrick L. Cordero features the expertise and knowledge to defend you in court and seek a time-sharing arrangement that will benefit you. 

Don’t leave this life-changing issue to chance. Hire an attorney to help you demonstrate your case for child custody in court. Call us today at 305-445-4855 or contact us online for a free consultation. Entitled the Lawyer of the Decade, Patrick Cordero will work personally on your case, so you know you will receive premier advice and assistance.