9:00am - 6:00pm
Mon - Fri (Closed on Saturdays)
7333 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33155
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For many people, filing for bankruptcy is something they liken to being straight out of a nightmare. They might have visions of having everything they own being taken away from them in short order once they file. That, however, isn’t necessarily the case for people who file for bankruptcy.

Yes, people who file for bankruptcy do stand to lose a lot. They can lose the stress of having debts that are overwhelming. They can lose the constant phone calls from people who are demanding money. They can lose the fear of going to the mailbox because it might be full of collection letters. Filing bankruptcy, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to lose your home or your car.

We know how hard it is to admit that you need help with your finances. We know that the overwhelming debt likely has you stressed out. We can help you to work through the financial stress and move toward a more stable financial future.

We fight for your rights throughout the Florida bankruptcy process. From helping you determine if you should file Chapter 13 bankruptcy or Chapter 7 bankruptcy to helping you learn what property will be exempted from the process, we stand by your side.

We want you to be able to lose all the negative aspects of being in debt. We want you to sleep in peace at night knowing that your future is secure. Our help doesn’t stop there. We can even help you learn what you need to do to start reestablishing your credit after your bankruptcy.