In some types of bankruptcy the assets of the person filing are liquidated and the proceeds paid to the filer’s creditors. Assets that are commonly sold under this type bankruptcy include real estate, jewelry, motor vehicles, antiques as well as other personal property. Usually these sales go on without fanfare. Occasionally however, the assets being sold pique the interest of the public. One such case has recently come to light.
Negatives, photos, and copyrights to images of Marilyn Monroe taken long ago by a now deceased photographer are being auctioned to cover debts. A bankruptcy judge in Florida entered the ruling regarding the sale of the images earlier this month. The photos date to 1946 when Marilyn Monroe was still known by her birth name of Norma Jeane Dougherty. The images have not been seen by many as they were a part of a court battle the past 20 years or so.
The collection is slated to be sold in early December in Beverly Hills as part of an auction facilitated by Julien’s Auctions called “Icons & Idols.” Images included in the collection are those in both color and black-and-white. In some she is wearing a bikini. In others she is sporting a beret. They were taken during what is reported to be her very first photo shoot.
The fact that whoever purchases the copyrights will be entitled to sell the images and distribute them as he or she wishes makes it difficult to project for how much they will sell.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle, “Early Marilyn Monroe photos to be sold at auction,” Sandy Cohen, Sept. 26, 2011