As most people are aware, foreclosure is a very real issue that many residents of Florida are facing. While many assume the famous are not subject to this process, this is of course not true. Former football player O.J. Simpson is currently facing the same fate regarding his Florida home.
According to property records Simpson purchased the four-bedroom house 12 years ago, in 2000. At that time property records indicate he paid $575,000 for the 4,233-square-foot house. Located close to downtown Miami, the house is currently assessed at $478,401.
As most are aware, Simpson is not currently living in the house. The 64-year-old is currently in prison serving a nine to 33 year sentence that was the result of being convicted on charges of armed robbery and kidnapping among others.
The home’s owner is undoubtedly best known for being acquitted of killing his ex-wife and a friend of hers in 1994. He was later ordered to pay $33.5 million to the family of the man slain in a wrongful death lawsuit. The attorney for the man’s family indicated the foreclosure action filed in September 2011 was not a surprise. The lawyer had filed a successful clawback lawsuit against a bank that had provided a line of credit to Simpson. The result of the bank turning the money over was that the mortgage on the Miami home was raised.
The life stories of most of the residents of Florida who are facing foreclosure are not nearly as sensational as that of O.J. Simpson. Nonetheless, this does not change the impact of such an action on an average citizen.
Source: Newsday, “Bank foreclosing on O.J. Simpson’s Fla. Home,” Curt Anderson, Jan. 17, 2012