If you are trying to avoid foreclosure, you may want to defend yourself without having an attorney by your side. While it is possible to do that, you will find the going tough. That is because foreclosures are never straightforward. Hence, having an attorney will work...
Why You Should Hire a Foreclosure Attorney in Miami, FL
If you face foreclosure, you should know that the process can be complicated, especially if you want to fight it. Hence, it would help if you considered hiring a qualified foreclosure attorney so that they can understand your case and help you find the best possible...
Tips to Choose the Right Attorney for Your Business
As a small business owner or even a start-up, you should take regulations and laws seriously. You need to comply with them so that you are not penalized or fined. Even if your business performs poorly, the professionals you work with can come to your rescue in more...
Little Known Ways to Maximize Your Home’s Value in a Short Sale
When a struggling homeowner is trying to avoid foreclosure, a short sale process may seem like a solid option. But what is the process of a short sale and how does it work in Florida? If a homeowner is selling the home for less than what is owed on it, it is...
How to Fight a Foreclosure in Florida
Are you living in fear of being served a foreclosure notice in Florida? Or are you already in foreclosure? Regardless of the situation, the critical question is the following: how do you fight the foreclosure process and prevent losing your property in Florida. ...
What to Do If You are Sued by a Debt Collector
When you are in financial difficulty, it may seem impossible to keep making payment. What happens, however, when creditors run out of patience and file suit? Here’s what to do if a debt collector sues you. Debt Collection Lawsuits Debt collection lawsuits are the most...
What Is A Wrongful Foreclosure
Having your home foreclosed upon by your mortgage lender is an experience no one ever wishes to have. But what happens if you think the lender foreclosed due to a mistake? Or even worse, due to negligence or fraudulent reasons. If this has happened to you, you may be...
How to Keep Your Home with Mortgage Modification Mediation
Florida has the second highest rate of bankruptcies in the nation. Upwards of 94,800 filings occurred in 2011. Thankfully, that number is less today. There were a total of 15,434 bankruptcy filings in South Florida in 2017. While the number of individuals...
4 Things You Should Know About the South Florida Housing Market Today
The median sale price of single family homes in Miami-Dade rose 9.7% over the last year. The total dollar volume of single family homes sold in October 2017 exceeded $481 million. The number of pending listings fell more than 15%. The median time to contract was less...
Many Florida residents are in a financial crisis. Our posts have focused on the increase of bankruptcy filings in seniors and other residents, and we have discussed the rise in foreclosures and people facing foreclosure. According to an article published by The Wall...