Making the leap from financial struggle to debt freedom sometimes requires that individuals file bankruptcy. Even though bankruptcy is a scary consideration, it works for millions of Americans each year. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is commonly known as ordinary or straight bankruptcy and offers individuals a fresh start in a relatively short amount of time.
The idea of starting over after a long struggle with debt, often times is enough to prompt individuals into choosing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While it can be a relatively painless process, it shouldn’t be seen as a quick fix. After all, falling back into financial trouble may be easier to do than you think.
With the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you may be able to get through the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process in a few short months. With their help, you may be able to better identify all the information needed to make it through the first meeting of creditors relatively unscathed. It is imperative that your bankruptcy petition and schedules are comprehensive and accurate. The very success of your bankruptcy discharge depends on it.
It is important to remember that sometimes life just happens. Job loss, disability and illness are all unexpected events that can lead to financial hardship. While the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process may be a quick and simple one with the help of your attorney, you may want to spend some time focusing on your future plans and how you will be better prepared to handle these unfortunate events. Your attorney may even be able to offer some valuable advice to help your post bankruptcy life remain debt-free.