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A south Florida woman is causing some trouble for financial leader JP Morgan Chase Bank by filing a claim alleging that the bank’s credit card division engaged in fraud. On March 11, the Miami resident filed suit in the Southern District of Florida. Among other things mentioned in the lawsuit, she is seeking to join a class of plaintiffs under the theory that Chase Bank engaged in deceptive market practices by seeking default judgments in credit card collection lawsuits by paying people to falsify paperwork which purported to be notarized affidavits.

The lawsuit alleges that on certain dates a number of employees working for Chase Bank signed signatures numbering in the range between 250 and 2,500. Also mentioned in the suit is that a link existed between the volume of employee signing and their bonuses.

Of particular import in this case is that the Plaintiff alleges that the amount Chase Bank received from the default judgment actually exceeded the amount on her balance statements marked as past due.

Chase Bank had better take this case seriously. Two other state’s Attorneys Generals have filed similar claims in 2013. Furthermore, the Plaintiff’s lawsuit states that Chase Bank’s actions violated the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Of the remedies the Plaintiff is asking for, she is seeking damages, and she wants Chase Bank to reimburse any unlawfully taken money to consumers.

In its defense, Chase Bank cited a 2013 enforcement action it had signed with Federal regulators over its practices involving consumer debt. Additionally, Chase Bank has since told shareholders that in 2011 it discontinued filing lawsuits seeking collections on credit card debt.

Source: JPMorgan Chase faces class action lawsuit over debt collection robosigning, “South Florida Business Journal” Brian Bandell, Mar. 18, 2014