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What was once considered the credit kiss of death, bankruptcy is now being seen as a last attempt to re-organize your personal finances and take charge of your debt. For couples trying to make every last dime stretch and banks now tightening their belts on lending, getting ahead or even staying above water is changing how America sees bankruptcy.

It isn’t usually until someone takes a close look at their finances and realizes that their liabilities outweigh their assets that they consider filing. For most modern families, the struggle to stay afloat has become as American as apple pie. That being said, the hit to your credit that used to be feared when considering bankruptcy is no longer really that bad. In fact, it has been suggested that lenders are adjusting their mentality about the family finance landscape and changing how they do business.

While there is evidence that some lenders are willing to offer mortgages to individuals that have filed bankruptcy, struggling families can breathe a sigh of relief. No longer, does filing mean home-ownership is out the window. Even for those simply worried about their FICO scores. With proper management of personal finances post bankruptcy, credit scores can begin to show improvement within six months.

For individuals considering bankruptcy, a skilled attorney can help. With their knowledge and resources, you can ditch the debt and begin rebuilding your life. The days of feeling ashamed by the struggle are over and for many it is time to exercise your right to live debt free.